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ComAcross Stakeholders


BioZoonoSEA Regional Biotechnical Platform

This zoonoses platform is coordinated by Kasetsart University (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) in partnership with CIRAD, IRD and Mahidol University. It is especially devoted to epidemiological studies of zoonotic diseases, from field to laboratory, including specialised laboratory, geographic information system (GIS) and web resources. It is physically located at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Kasetsart University (Bangkok campus) which provides laboratory and office infrastructures and training equipment.

Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP)-Faculty of Veterinary Medecine, Chiang Mai

Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific (VPHCAP) is the knowledge and collaborative center for trading and safety of food originated from animals, animal diseases and cross border animal epidemics. VPHCAP is a self-dependent and international acknowledged organization.

Institut National Polytechnique - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse (INP-ENVT) and Université Paul Sabatier

Both insitutions are associated with the ComAcross project for the implementation of the InterRisk Master's Degree, with Kasetsart University. 

The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)

The Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP), in the frame of their collaboration with Fauna & Flora International is associated with the project to address the wildlife and natural resources management monitoring topics.

Other specific topics, such as Participatory Epidemiology, Ecohealth coaching and Modelling will be implemented under the supervision of CIRAD and/or KU with the support of associates and contractors involved in the GREASE research network such as ILRi and the University of Chiang Mai.